Current Issues

CRC comments to CBP on border remediation

CRC comments to CBP on border remediation

The Chiricahua Regional Council has submitted the following comments on CBP’s border remediation plan: U.S. Customs and Border Protection U.S. Border Patrol Headquarters 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue – 6.5E Mail Stop 1039 Washington D.C. 20229-1100. Thank you for this opportunity to comment on the Border Barrier Remediation actions within the U.S. Border Patrol (USBP) Tucson Sector….

ACTION ALERT: Tell CBP to prioritize wildlife over the border wall

ACTION ALERT: Tell CBP to prioritize wildlife over the border wall

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is seeking your input on proposed border barrier construction remediation actions in Pima, Santa Cruz, and Cochise Counties, AZ. This is a chance to tell CBP to prioritize wildlife over the border wall, and input is due by February 3. Here is CBP’s Border Barrier Remediation Plan and Submission…

Chiricahua National Park?

Chiricahua National Park?

Over the years, there have been several bills, sponsored by Senators and Representatives on both sides of the aisle, that have proposed establishing the Chiricahua National Monument as a National Park. The latest is the Chiricahua National Park Act introduced today by Representative Kirkpatrick. Senator Kelly has championed a companion bill in the Senate. We…

South Fork FEA objections

South Fork FEA objections

With the deadline for objections to the South Fork Day Use project Final Environmental Assessment (FEA) due very soon on Monday, August 2, we would like to share some objections that are being filed by various parties. We think sharing these is valuable since the USFS has said they will not post this round of…

Comments on the South Fork Day Use Area Final EA DUE Friday, July 30

Comments on the South Fork Day Use Area Final EA DUE Friday, July 30

As required, the Forest Service listed the opportunity to comment on the Final Environmental Assessment of the South Fork Day Use Area in the Sierra Vista Herald/Review. The comment period begins the day the listing was posted, June 16, and lasts 45 days. The deadline is Friday, July 30. You can read how to comment…

CRC Comments on Proposed South Fork Development

CRC Comments on Proposed South Fork Development

The primary goal of the Chiricahua Regional Council is to protect valuable intact habitats in the Chiricahua Ecosystem Management Area and private lands in this region. To accomplish this, we work with the Forest Service, other governmental agencies, and private entities on issues that impact our unique assemblage of habitats, which together comprise North America’s greatest…