Current Issues

New leadership

New leadership

The Chiricahua Regional Council is pleased to announce the election of board member Dirk Sigler to serve as Vice President of the organization. As a lifelong backcountry enthusiast, Dirk makes his home in Portal, AZ where he built his first home in 2005. His background is in construction and the visual arts. Having involved himself…

Decision on the South Fork Day Use project

Decision on the South Fork Day Use project

On October 11, 2022, the US Forest Service issued the below letter saying that they are “withdrawing the draft Decision Notice and Finding of No Significant Impact and cancelling the South Fork Day Use project.” This is a significant victory for all citizens concerned with preserving intact habitats. CRC applauds the USFS in reaching this…

Air Force deadline extended

Air Force deadline extended

In response to strong community pressure and the comments of many of us submitted, the Air Force has extended the deadline for scoping comments on the proposal for the Regional Special Use Airspace Optimization to Support Air Force Missions in Arizona to June 3. If you weren’t able to submit comments earlier or have additional…

CBP Webinar on Tucson Border Barrier Remediation Feedback

CBP Webinar on Tucson Border Barrier Remediation Feedback

The message below was sent out with regard to the CBP’s border remediation plan. We will attend and will report back on what we learn. Please join the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) for an informative webinar on how public feedback will be incorporated into the first border barrier remediation contracts for U.S. Border…

CRC to Collect Funds to Support Opposition to USAF’s MOA Expansion

CRC to Collect Funds to Support Opposition to USAF’s MOA Expansion

With the scoping comments phase of the U.S. Air Force proposal to expand military training behind us, we have heard loud and clear from the community that this is a proposal to fight hard against. More than 900 individuals and 35 organizations and businesses voiced their opposition at this stage. With a lengthy fight likely…

CRC comments in opposition to expanded military training

CRC comments in opposition to expanded military training

Today, CRC submitted scoping comments opposing the Tombstone MOA proposal for Expanded Military Training over the Chiricahua and Peloncillo Mountain region. CRC also signed on to letters from Peaceful Gila Skies and Peaceful Chiricahua Skies. The contents of the CRC comments are as follows: March 4, 2022 U.S. Air Force Arizona Regional Airspace EIS 501…

U.S. Air Force Fly-Overs – preliminary info

U.S. Air Force Fly-Overs – preliminary info

The U.S. Air Force has issued a Notice of Intent (NOI) to advise the public of its intent to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to assess the potential environmental consequences associated with optimizing the Special Use Airspace (SUA) to support aircrews stationed at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Luke AFB, and Morris Air National Guard…