Current Issues

Musings of a Past President

Musings of a Past President

by Wynne Brown Waaaay back in 2008, I was living in Whitetail Canyon when I received a phone call from CRC’s then-President, Dick Zweifel. “We’d like to invite you to a Chiricahua Regional Council Board meeting,” he said.“Oh, OK, hold on—” I replied. “Let me go get Hedley for you.” After all, my now-ex-husband (or…

New CRC leadership at CRC

New CRC leadership at CRC

CRC held its annual meeting on January 26, and the board has elected new officers. Elly van Gelderen is the new Secretary. Michele Lanan served in that position for several years and moves to the Advisory Council. Curt Bradley became the Vice President. Former VP Dirk Sigler is our new President. Wynne Brown (President 2012…

A tribute to Wynne Brown

A tribute to Wynne Brown

The Chiricahua Regional Council has been extremely fortunate to have had Wynne Brown at the helm the past 12 years. Wynne’s leadership has been crucial to maintaining the council’s mission as a vital conservation group in the region. She is stepping aside as CRC’s president, effective immediately, to devote more time to new projects. She…

ACTION ALERT: Comments on Gila-San Simon Travel Management Plan due 12/26

ACTION ALERT: Comments on Gila-San Simon Travel Management Plan due 12/26

TIME SENSITIVE ACTION ALERT: The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public comment on an environmental review for the Gila-San Simon Travel Management Plan (TMP), a proposed travel management plan covering 951,842 acres of BLM-managed public lands in the Gila-San Simon areas. More information this proposal is available here. The public comment period has been…

New Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni National Monument

New Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni National Monument

Wild Arizona, a partner with CRC in conservation and trailwork, announces today’s proclamation by President Biden, establishing the new Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni – Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon National Monument. The new Monument surrounds the existing National Park, and protects the region and its tribal lands from threats such as that posed by…

Peloncillo FireScape Project

Peloncillo FireScape Project

The USFS recently announced a Scoping notice for the Peloncillo FireScape Project. (See below.) More detailed information is available on the project website and in this letter from Doug Ruppel. This project presents both opportunities and concerns for intact habitats, and we will continue to monitor progress on it. The scoping comments period has now…

Opportunity to Object on the Chiricahua Public Access Project

Opportunity to Object on the Chiricahua Public Access Project

On May 31, 2023, the USDA Forest Service sent out the below information about the Chiricahua Public Access Project. (Here is a link to the original objections we submitted.) We are formulating our objections to share with the community and encourage others to do the same. Stay tuned for more information. Objections are due 45 days…

Proposal to change Chiricahua National Monument to a National Park headed to full US Senate vote

Proposal to change Chiricahua National Monument to a National Park headed to full US Senate vote

After several attempts, it’s looking more likely that the Chiricahua National Monument may become Arizona’s fourth national park. Senate Bill S.736, co-sponsored by Sens. Mark Kelly and Kyrsten Sinema, was approved May 17, 2023, by voice vote in the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. The next step will be a vote by the full…