
Forest Service Update

Chiricahua Regional Council Statement

The Chiricahua Regional Council expresses profound concern over recent federal staffing reductions threatening our vital trail maintenance partnerships. Nationwide 3,400 workers have been abruptly fired. This represents 10% of US Forest Service personnel and the disturbing part is that the firings are disproportionately affecting Recreation staff. A troubling feature of the current Washington administration’s assault on the Forest Service is an instruction to staff that they may not even communicate with their partners. In other words a gag order.

A similar reduction of National Parks Service personnel (see attached article) has already led to access problems for the public. But that pales in comparison to what’s happening at the US Forest Service. It is our position that the manner in which this has been implemented is illicit and we are advocating for a reversal of these cuts.

The force reductions at the USFS are having a direct impact already. The Douglas District which administers the Coronado National Forests within the Chiricahua and Peloncillo mountains is down to a skeleton crew. Several planned projects representing years of collaborative work between our organization, the communities in the region, other nonprofits, and federal agencies have been postponed. These partnerships have been the most effective tool for maintaining access to the public land in our region. In fact all of Southeast Arizona is being affected. Our trail system will continue to degrade if this situation doesn’t improve.

We urge members to contact their representatives expressing support for the dedicated public servants who administer our public lands. These professionals are stewards of America’s natural heritage and deserve our advocacy during this challenging time. We urge immediate reconsideration of these cuts to preserve both our natural heritage and the community relationships that sustain it. Protect our public lands!

**Contact Information:**

Senator Ruben Gallego
Russell Senate Office Building
2 Constitution Avenue NE
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-4521

Senator Mark Kelly
Russell Senate Office Building
2 Constitution Avenue NE
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-2235


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