Spring trailwork update

It’s been a busy and productive Spring for trailwork in the Chiricahuas.

The completion of the South Fork Trail project in mid-April was quickly followed by a week of work organized by the venerable John Sumner. A group of volunteers came from as far away as Minnesota to spend time cutting logs alongside this master sawyer. And cut they did. Total logs removed from trails: 227. Total miles worked: 13.8. They worked from Rustler Park where they received some support from District Ranger Doug Ruppel.

The Portal-Rodeo Hiking Group got into the act on April 27th. It was a day that began with a pancake breakfast at the Rustler Guard Station. Combining forces with Sumner’s bunch, the goal for the event was to clear the Crest Trail from Long Park to Cima cabin. Forty-one logs were cut, and “mission accomplished.”

It was crucial to clear out to Cima because a few days after John left it was the Sierra Club’s turn to toil on the trails. Leader Howard Kellogg made his  second appearance here, this time with a group of 12.

Lots going on and more is planned as the field season for 2023 is in full swing.

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